Lauren Moseley is the author of the poetry collections Big Windows (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2018) and Resurrection Biology (forthcoming from Coffee House Press in early 2027). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Orion magazine, the Poem-a-Day series from the Academy of American Poets, the Iowa Review, Electric Literature, Third Coast, Copper Nickel, Southern Indiana Review, Pleiades, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA in Poetry from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Lauren has been a fellow at Yaddo and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and a recipient of artist grants from the Money for Women/Barbara Deming Memorial Fund. She lives in Durham, North Carolina.
Photo by Tasha Thomas

Available now.
In this stunning debut collection, Lauren Moseley’s poems move through real and imagined landscapes, navigating the borders between doubt, fear, wonder, and empowerment. Through the lens of the natural world, Moseley explores love, family, marriage, and self-knowledge, and never stops searching for the sacred. At once electric and contemplative, in a lyrical, spare style, the poems in Big Windows ultimately break down the boundaries between the self and the environment, between the physical and dream worlds, revealing the transcendent in the everyday.
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Carnegie Mellon University Press
Big Windows was included in Bustle's list of the "12 Most Anticipated Poetry Collections Hitting Bookstores in 2018."
“Moseley has crafted a sensual and provocative collection of poems that invites us to reevaluate the connection between our inner and outer worlds. Her debut, Big Windows, has surfaced at a time when humanity is confronting an onslaught of social unrest, political upheaval, and aesthetic bankruptcy that often distracts us from the ecstasy we might otherwise find by tuning into our immediate environment. Each poem in this collection is a progression through the stages of disillusionment, humility, wonder, and ultimately, enlightenment . . . Moseley shows us that in moments when our inner and outer worlds are in sync—when we perceive the extraordinary at work within the ordinary—we grab hold of heat and ice, Earth and sky at once. We can imagine the impossible—and also have it.” —The Bookends Review
"Moseley does not just consider the boundary between outside and inside. Her poems also explore divisions between dream life and reality, animals and humans, belief and doubt, bizarre encounters and everyday events . . . Big Windows recognizes the struggle wrapped up in boundaries, but reveals how poetry—with its blend of language, music, and imagery—can help us reimagine these divisions of human life." —Colorado Review
“Elegant and flawlessly crafted, Lauren Moseley's debut collection allows readers the charms of a perfectly framed view. But step beyond the glass and Moseley's multi-layered poems reveal themselves to be a little sharp and a little dangerous. 'You may find me wicked yet' she writes. And who doesn’t love beautifully wicked poems, humming as they do with the underground cities of wasps and the hoof beats of trampling horses? Readers, lift the sash of these lines to discover the extraordinary fullness of Lauren Moseley's depth of field.” —Kathryn Nuernberger
“Lauren Moseley is a keen, observant poet with a lyric gift for the music of poetry and a sense of narrative subtlety. The intense vision of Big Windows is clear from the first line of the first poem in the collection: ‘I am drawn to the window as if it were a fire.’ The transformations these poems accomplish are simply breathtaking. This is a fine, beautiful first book worthy of celebration.” —Stuart Dischell
“Windows we look into, windows we look through, surreal in exactly the same way the perceived world is, Moseley’s beautiful poems startle us again and again to recognition, into the moment when ‘the plain present strikes [us] like an ax.’ They give us a series of views, and place us always in at least two places at once, in here and, transported by the poet’s vision and our own, beside ourselves and beyond.” —Katharine Coles
"Resurrection Biology," Orion magazine
Two poems, Electric Literature (2024)
Two poems, On the Seawall
Two poems, Electric Literature (2020)
"Song for the Woolly Mammoth," Poets.org (originally featured in Poem-a-Day)
"Cyclops," Verse Daily
"Real," BOAAT
Five poems, Narrative magazine
Two poems, West Branch Wired
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